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AI: Friend or Foe? Lessons from Wolves and a Glimpse into the Future

At the heart of the ongoing AI revolution lies a fundamental question: Is AI a threat to humanity or a force for good? In September 2023, Catherine had the opportunity to present on, and discuss this important topic as part of the #90DayFinn programme in Helsinki. Catherine explored the potential of AI to be both a friend and a foe. We start, however, with a story about wolves. 

Wolves in Yellowstone: A Lesson in Ecosystem Transformation
AI is reshaping our world, just as the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park reshaped its ecosystem. In the mid 1990s, wolves were brought back to Yellowstone National Park after a 70-year absence. The effect was astonishing. Esperanza Spalding, in a Radiolab episode entitled “The Cataclysm Sentence” detailed this. Spalding explained how reintroducing wolves led to a healthier, more vibrant ecosystem. The theory? The presence of wolves created a fear factor amongst other animals that had not been present before. That fear factor caused the animals to become more alert and responsive. No longer at the top of the food chain, they had to adapt and move in new and creative ways. This resulted in varied grazing patterns and subsequent positive changes in the landscape.

Fear of AI: A Catalyst for Positive Change
This tale of wolves prompts us to reflect on our response to AI. Can we harness the fear of AIto drive and enable positive change? Can we become more adaptive, creative, and innovative in the face of this transformative technology? Spalding’s words resonate: “The willingness to respond creatively to fear without trying to eradicate the source of the fear.”

AI’s Potential for Good
AI is already revolutionizing many industries. Climate change solutions, health, fraud prevention, energy efficiency, education, and more. Tools, like SeamlessM4T, already make communication across languages seamless. With this much potential, there is no doubt that AI will play an instrumental role in shaping a brighter future.

The Acceleration of AI Progress
As with any exponential technology, the pace of AI progress is accelerating. As the latest
McKinsey analysis shows, estimates for the time until software systems can reach human-level performance have fallen dramatically. Over the past year and a quarter, the consensus, as evaluated on Meta Calculus, for the first weakly general AI has come forward from 2042 to 2027.

AI: A Collective Future
Our belief, and that of many others, is that the future of AI is collective. By pooling resources and capabilities, we can explore new frontiers. AI tools already enhance productivity and creativity across various domains. And that’s just in the public-facing toolsets. What AI is doing in backend systems that already run our world is mesmerizing.

Democratizing Innovation
Innovation is no longer limited to deep-pocketed corporations. Open-source models such as LLama 2 from Meta, along with cloud services, such as AWS Bedrock and Sagemaker, are democratizing AI experimentation. Companies of all sizes can now build, test, iterate, and deploy AI-powered solutions.

Governance and Responsibility
While we embrace AI’s potential, we must address governance and ethical concerns. Initiatives for AI safety and oversight need to catch up with technology. Companies, institutions, and governments can contribute by creating their frameworks and adhering to responsible practices.

A Call to Action
AI is neither purely friend nor foe. It is a tool that we shape with our choices. Let’s approach it with optimism and caution. Let’s educate ourselves and our leaders, establish frameworks, and prioritize human values. As we navigate this transformative journey, it is up to us to ensure that AI remains our ally in building a better future for all.

Together, we can embrace AI’s potential and shape it into a force for good.

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