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From Chaos to Camaraderie: Tian Joins 20fifty

Our newest recruit shares his journey as he joins our 20fifty connected collective.

Tian Hanekom is our newest recruit at 20fifty. Joining our connected collective during 2022, Tian brought a swashbuckling smile and a supreme level of Flutter expertise into our fold. As an energetic, deeply invested Flutter Developer, Tian has shared his journey of joining 20fifty. As he outlined to us after attending his first in-person team building session and conference:

Joining 20fifty has been a mind-blowing, life-altering experience. Things have immediately made sense.

Tian Hanekom

Who is Tian Hanekom?

Tian Hanekom is a Flutter Developer with more than 3 years’ experience. You would be mistaken in thinking that’s a short time period of experience. Some context: the first iteration of Flutter launched in 2017. As an open-source UI software development kit created by Google, Flutter is used to develop cross-platform applications from a single codebase. At 20fifty, we love Flutter. Simultaneously, owing to the relatively youthful stage of its evolution, it can prove difficult to find the right Flutter talent. At 20fifty, we’ve managed to strike the jackpot. Our team of Flutter developers are experienced, agile, and they’re always learning.

Before 20fifty

Leading up to his flutter into our fold (see what we did there? 😉), Tian found he wanted something more, and that’s when he was introduced to 20fifty.

Tian Joins 20fifty

After successfully completing our interview process, Tian was inducted into the 20fifty team. As part of our onboarding approach, we curate our new recruits’ experience very closely, providing hands-on guidance at every turn. Usually, we move our new team members into our environment at a slow pace. Tian, however, surprised us all, and started producing excellent code within his first week with us. When we looked into how he was able to onboard so quickly, we discovered more about his journey, and the comparisons he’d drawn from his previous environments.

The Documentation Difference

Previously, Tian’s workflow was determined through a seemingly rudderless approach. With the focus positioned on production, rather than careful crafting, it became apparent to us that the difference lay in our documentation. Where he and his previous teams had spent large amounts of time wading through bugs and uncertainty, our deeply-documented environment made it far easier to hop onboard. As our team dedicates itself to our process-driven approach, Tian quickly migrated from Hi to Hello, and Here We Go!

The 6-Month Mark

Now well into his 20fifty journey, Tian’s 6 months with us have been everything exceptional. Joining the team for DevFest in Cape Town brought a new angle to his 20fifty experience too. As Tian describes it:

“I am mind blown by the people who are part of this team. I arrived and immediately felt as though I were among friends (as I learnt, I was!). Sharing space with like-minded people was a bizarre, amazing experience. And it changed me on a fundamental level. Walking into this team camaraderie, from the chaos, immediately felt like home. Which is why I’ve decided to leave the dust of Pretoria behind and move to Cape Town! We’re a fully connected team at 20fifty, and while it’s not a requirement of my job – we can and do work anywhere! – I want to be closer to our HQ and enjoy the cultural wonder of Cape Town.”

Tian made his second big move of the year by finding an apartment and moving to Cape Town during some December downtime. We’re looking forward to spending more time with him and showing him the ropes of Cape Town life. Pretoria’s loss is our gain. Welcome home, Tian!

Together, at 20fifty, we Build What Matters.

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